Preston Zly stitches anatomical shoe design and longevity together, making these the best investment you've made in years.
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Hi, my name is Johanna Preston.
I'm the co-founder of Preston Zly. We make decadently luxurious handmade shoes for limited edition women (like you!).
Preston Zly's are for women who want to feel powerful in perfectly balanced and perfectly comfortable footwear.
We like to be different
Discover how good your shoe can actually feel, and we're not just talking about the wearability.

400+ 5 star reviews
Our reviews speak for themselves. See what our customers have had to say below.

Designed for every women
For everywhere you want to go and every thing you want to do.

first wear comfort
Comfortable on first wear, no break in periods.

Made for everyday life
Longevity and comfort through quality craftsmanship and timeless design.

Wearable art
Recognised by museums and publications as the best designers of shoes.

After care and repairs
After-purchase shoe care that makes your investment last decades.
Covetable and forever-classic
Our most refined styles are the best place to start.